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CODESYS JSON http client library

A library has been developed to send JSON http messages. See With this library it is relatively easy to post data from CODESYS controllers to (web-)servers. It is very well suited for IoT applications. It has the following advantages over other solutions: – The server application doesn’t need to have a specific protocol implementation. […]

Distributor Benelux

Press Release CODESYS Distributor now also for Belgium and Luxemburg Kempten/Ridderkerk, November 2015: Extend Smart Coding now serves CODESYS customers in all three Benelux countries. Extend Smart Coding has been the exclusief CODESYS Distributor in the Netherlands for several years. In addition, the company has acted as Premium CODESYS System Partner and as such has […]

CODESYS OOP training

CODESYS Object Georienteerd Programmeren training Leer programmeren volgens de derde editie van de IEC 61131-3 standaard. In samenwerking met 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH is een “object georiënteerd programmeren” training ontwikkeld. Tijdens deze training leert u “object georiënteerde applicaties” te lezen en schrijven. De specifieke termen en methodologiën worden uitgelegd. Aan de hand van praktische voorbeelden […]